via Inhabitat
This cell could soon be finding its way into the brains of people (it is powered by the same glucose that runs your body) to give them the ability to carry out functions such as moving paralysed limbs. Another amazing innovation from those clever chaps at MIT, actually being able to place a self-fuelling, fully functioning electrical implant in someone’s brain.
As you’ll have seen earlier in Joe’s report, the Cannes Lions event in the South of France is in full swing, complete with the Nokia Gift Machine in the Microsoft Lounge. With some amazing speakers lined up, it looks like the place to be for creative and tech types this week.
via Cracked
Finally for today, how about some of those movie special effects that you thought had to be CGI? Well, turns out that some directors didn’t turn straight to computers at this level, but took a slightly different view of things and used technology to build their shots. I’m thinking of the ‘walking on the ceiling’ scene in Inception, where Christopher Nolan built a rotating corridor instead of relying on computers. Still technology, but old school technology. I liked this.
Let us know in the comments section if you’ve seen any technology that you think should make the round up, or drop us a link on Twitter.