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What have 3D Printing, Batman and mobile phones have in common? Yep, you guessed it, they’re all featured in our daily dose of ‘Tech Today’ on Nokia Connects. Settle down and enjoy…

Via: DamnGeeky

1. 3D Printed Shoes

OK, so 3D printers aren’t anything new, but these 3D Printed customised shoes are a bit special. French engineer and designer, Luc Fusaro has used a 3D Printer to think of novel way that could help runners find that edge. By customising their shoes having had a 3D foot scan, Fusaro’s design could be the difference between Gold and Silver. Every little helps!


2. Putting the brakes on

Safety first! It’s what we’ve always been taught, yet there’s always going to be someone driving whilst on their phone. While this isn’t illegal everywhere, there’s a lot of evidence to suggest it is a big distraction for drivers and as such, should be treated with seriously. India’s Anna University has come up with a great way to combat drivers using their phone. I won’t give it all away, so check out the full story.

3. BatMobile Lawnmower

With the imminent release of the new Batman film, you’ll forgive me for featuring this humdinger. Ever fancied yourself as a caped crusader? Well, here’s your chance to get just that little bit closer…click here for awesomeness.

That’s it folks. Have a great weekend and feel free to get in contact with us in the comments below or over at @Nokia_Connects!