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July 13, 2012

Top 5 comments on Nokia Connects

I wanted to write a rap to introduce the ‘Top 5 comments on Nokia Connects’ this week but realised there aren’t that many words that rhyme with comment and more importantly I didn’t want to embarrass myself. If anyone does fancy writing a rap for me to introduce the post next week then I would love to hear it! 

via Vectorportal

I’m on the hunt today for the short, sharp and witty comments that often go un-noticed each week.

1. Folk of genius: The 5 strangest habits of Andy Warhol

Joel has been writing the ‘Folk of genius’ series for a while now and they always seem to go down very well with the community. This week his work was recognised by The Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, USA. They were really happy with the #awesome #art #facts:

Despite ‘WOW!’ being an awesome comment I have turned to his post for our first entry this week. I think this comment summarises Warhol himself very well and must put a smile on the face of every eccentric out there with good ideas.

Mark Reynolds on Jul 12th, 2012 at 15:13 pm

‘Well, I guess if you’re eccentric but people like your ideas you can get away with anything…’

I like your logic Mark.

2. Cookie Rae Jepsen: The best “Call Me Maybe” parody yet

Here is some troubling news for Carly Rae Jepsen. According to Lotta L – the Cookie Monster actually sings his own version of Carly’s hit single ‘Call Me Maybe’ – much better than the original:

Lotta L on Jul 11th, 2012 at 09:11 am

‘Brilliant!!! Love Cookie Monster and he sings this better than the original :)’

If it’s any consolation Carly, I think it’s a massive compliment that ‘people’ are parodying your song. The Miami Dolphin Cheerleaders are even getting in on the act. Here is the Cookie Monster’s video so that you can decide for yourself whether this is better than the original.


3. Movie magic: The 7 best behind-the-scenes Star Wars photos

This comment doesn’t really need much explanation from our Star Wars post this week!

Adam on Jul 10th, 2012 at 09:31 am

‘Mmmmm…..Carrie Fisher :)’

Swiftly onto another Star Wars subject, did you know that Luke Skywalker was originally going to be called Luke Starkiller? It’s all in the post, I suggest you take a peep.

4. Cartoon time! A day in the life of an animator

I learnt something I didn’t know after reading this comment. I can’t lie to you guys, I hadn’t even read this post when I was looking for some comments this week. But I immediately gave the post a read after seeing this:

Alicia Taylor on Jul 10th, 2012 at 16:56 pm

‘I always thought that Disney had produced the first animated movie (Steamboat Willie), but he was actually beaten to it by several hundred years? Fascinating.’

Now, as far as I knew it, Steamboat Willie was the first ever animation, ever. But I was so wrong. If I was on the British show QI right now then sirens would be going off because the first animation ‘came courtesy of a machine called the magic lantern invented way back in 1650’. You learn something new everyday!

5. Innovator of the Week: Duncan Goose


Finally, in a kind of Jerry Springer final thought kind of way, I thought I would highlight a comment on my ‘Innovator of the Week’ post. Here is a little summary for those of you that don’t know who Duncan Goose is; just to put this comment into context. Duncan has created a company that offers retail products which benefit like-for-like projects in developing countries. For example – if you buy his ‘One Eggs’ in the supermarket – he will spend 100% of the profits on chicken farming projects in developing countries.

Now, Rebecca wrote a huge and lovely comment, but here is the condensed version:

Rebecca Little on Jul 11th, 2012 at 13:28 pm

‘Having seen your article and read about what an incredible difference the purchase of these products is really making on the ground, it is a no-brainer for me that I will be purchasing them over other comparable brands in the future.’

It’s great to hear that at least one person has taken this great retail concept to heart from reading this post, so thanks for the great feedback Rebecca. If I was the marketing manager for One then I would be getting a big high five right about now!

That’s it for this week, keep commenting like the great comment troopers that you are. You can reach me here on Twitter or alternatively you can leave me a comment below (and don’t forget to leave me a rap for next weeks post!).