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It’s always great to see one member of the community recommending another on Nokia Connects. Our good friend Raghav told us about Pranav Mistry a little while back now. Raghav thought Pranav would be perfect for our Innovator of the Week and we completely agreed! Pranav ‘magic hands’ Mistry (we gave him that name) is certainly an interesting chap. Here’s why….

Sorry to dissapoint you but unfortunely Pranav is not the son of Iron Man (as his chest projector above might suggest), however his futuristic thinking would give Tony Stark a run for his money.

Here is Pranav’s background in his own words:

“Currently, I am a Research Assistant and PhD candidate at the MIT Media Lab. Before joining MIT I worked as a UX Researcher with Microsoft. I received my Master in Media Arts and Sciences from MIT and Master of Design from IIT Bombay. I have also completed my bachelors degree in Computer Science and Engineering. Palanpur is my hometown, which is situated in northern Gujarat in India.”

Pranav has worked on over 20 different projects in the fields of robotics, interaction design, computer graphics, HCI, AI and social computing. An incredible amont of fields to apply your skills in. However, one of these projects in particular really caught our attention.

Sixth Sense – ‘A wearble gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information’.

Think Minority Report. Then watch this video from the TED conference in 2009, Pranav is a true pioneer (plus 8:27 mins into this video is why I will buy this product in the future!).


Wow, what a great watch and so insightful. Pranav is literally putting the future in our hands, imagine using your hand to call a friend:

Pranav Hand

via pranavmistry (Sam Ogden)

What would you want to do with this technology in your hands? Have you got any questions you would like to ask Pranav? Let me know below or tweet me your thoughts @Nokia_Connects. Thanks once again go to Raghav.