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The first mouse we’ll look at today is not necessarily innovative technologically. It IS innovative emotionally. It is a mouse created for an individual who wants to feel like Midas. Or Scrooge McDuck. Or the Austin Powers villain, Goldmember. Okay I’ll stop the tease.

Gold has always been the symbol of wealth, aside from diamonds. As I’m sure most of you are already aware of, gold is most commonly used in making fine jewelry. With the prices going higher and higher each day, gold is, all the more, become the symbol for wealth and success.

Now we aren’t all millionaires, so we can’t possibly afford having a couple hundred of these gold bars just lying around in our personal safes. As an alternative, we normal folks can get ones of these Gold Bullion Optical Mouse instead. You know, to show that we can keep up with the gold trend without going into debt.

The old Bullion Optical Mouse functions as every other computer mouse would, except that it makes you look (and feel) like a million bucks, if you don’t already.

But if you’re not lacking financially and would rather not click away all day on a bar of gold bullion, perhaps you’d like a mouse that can cool your hand as you work? I know I would.

ThermalTake, a company known for computer cooling products, has been enjoying some success with what it calls the Black Element, a mouse catered specifically for gamers. Offering a laser sensor capable of up to 6500 DPI, removable weights, onboard memory for customized macros, extra keys, and five switchable LED colours among others, the Black Element is quite a feature-packed rodent.

But ThermalTake has apparently decided that all of this just wasn’t enough, and so they have put out the Black Element Cyclone Edition, a re-release of the same mouse with a unique new feature – a tiny, clip-on fan intended to cool off your undoubtedly sweaty hand while in the midst of an intense deathmatch.

Now that is a way to feel wealthy. And cool.