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In a week where your attention may have been on all things sport (can’t think why), I thought I’d bring you a selection of alternative sports apps for your Nokia.


Cost: Free – in the Marketplace
In a nutshell: Try your hand at being Robin Hood

I tried archery in real life and was terrible, so hopefully I’ll be a little better at this version. I also gave myself the chance to do my own app review on the Nokia Lumia 800. Once I’d turned the music off this game got a lot more entertaining, if ultimately frustrating. I was a fan of each shot being different (target further away, or moving, and the wind strength varying) as it gave the gameplay variety. The initial movement of the bow once the arrow was drawn was something I had to get used to, and quickly found this was a game of very small adjustments. I’ll go back to this game for the look and feel. I’ll let you know how I get on.

Highlights – good graphics, effects, gameplay.
Lowlights – bow movement/aiming can be tricky. But that’s part of the game


Football Kicks

Cost: $0.99/£0.79/0,99 €/Rs. 55.00 – in the Marketplace
In a nutshell: ‘Surprisingly fun’ football flicks

Jay’s awesome Lumiaappaday series continues, and I have dug out a beauty – Football Kicks demoed on his Nokia Lumia 900:

As he says, ‘surprisingly fun’

Highlights – Simple, easy to play
Lowlights – Jay just played the trial version, so limited goals available


…And in a final piece of handy sports app news, the guys at T3 have put together a great list of the best sports apps available for Nokia phones. Featuring some favourites like Formula One and cricket, the list is ranked by user rating and also a ‘T3 rating’. They also link to latest apps, so the list is well worth checking out if you have an idle moment and fancy a new app or two…


Any suggestions for apps I should review next week? Or seen any reviews that should feature in my round up? Let me know on Twitter, or leave a comment with a link.