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We love it when our community members take time out to review our Lumia 900 phones in great detail. Nothing beats a long and honest video review in my eyes. After all, it’s important to get to grips with everything the phone has to offer.

“This is by far my longest video yet but I think the experience with the Lumia 900 deserves the attention”.

So, that’s precisely the reason why this video review below really caught my eye recently. Martin Magnificent (from @MagnificentIsMe) took a considerable amount of time out of his hectic schedule to pick apart the Lumia 900, and believe me, he literally leaves no stone unturned…enjoy!


Martin’s overall review was very positive and he gave the phone an ‘excellent’ rating at the end of the video (I particularly enjoyed the fact he was asked by a girl on the bus about the phone on 14:28!).

He claimed that the Lumia family were the torch bearers for the Windows operating system moving forward and even noticed a little love triangle going on:

“The Lumia 900 is based on a love triangle, the three members of the love triangle are: design, functionality and simplicity. This love triangle is what makes the phone so great!”

Don’t forget to check out his extended thoughts in the YouTube video description, once again Martin is very thorough! Thanks very much Martin…

Do you have any reviews you would to share with us? Have you managed to trial a Nokia phone yet? Well get in touch with us via @Nokia_Connects or head to our Trial a Nokia page for more information.