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Nokia Lumia 900 trial

That’s what we ask when you are on our Trial A Nokia program. Pretty simple really, and there are many ways to let others know what you think, depending on how you prefer to communicate with your readers/followers/viewers online.

The following have chosen to use the power of their blogs to share their opinions:

Marius Malasar (in part 3 of his review) –

‘some­how a sense of ‘me’-ness is built into the core of the Win­dows Phone mentality’

That kind of sums up his entire thoughts on the Nokia Lumia 900. He also had praise for the Nokia Transit app, CityLens (which even revealed new and interesting places to him in a city he thought he knew pretty well), and the Local Scout music search which is

 ‘built into the oper­at­ing sys­tem. It’s awesome.’

Nokia Lumia 900 trial

The Girl With The Train Tattoo has just got her hands on her trial Nokia Lumia 900, but has shared the photos you see in this post, and has had the following to say about it

‘The camera is glorious and windows on a phone is a nice new treat’

Definitely worth a follow to find out what else she has to say about it once she’s had a chance to test out all the capabilities.

Juliana Peña is at a different stage of his trial than Marius, Juliana uses his first post on the trial phone to discuss the size of the device. Despite being ‘afraid’ of a screen size that he was unused to, he says that it

‘became wonderful after a day or two’

Nokia Lumia 900 trial

Gadgetero isn’t totally glowing in his opinion of every aspect of the phones. He lists his quibbles, including some comparisons to other hardware and OSs, but ultimately summarises that the Nokia Lumia 900 is

‘fast and fresh’

How would you let people know what you think of the Nokia Lumia 900 if you got one on trial? Have you applied to get your hands on one? We’re always looking for people with fresh ideas, so drop us a line and who knows?