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When Nokia launched its first cameraphone, in 2002, nobody predicted that six years later the company would be world’s biggest manufacturer of cameras. The same could be said of Instagram. In 2010 when it launched, you’d have been a brave person to forecast that in two years Instagram would have 100 million users sharing over a billion photos. But fantastic ideas have the power to set our world alight and mobile photography has done just that.

Instagram love is in the air  

And that’s why we’re helping the Window’s Phone community show their passion for Instagram. Last week, we launched the #2InstaWithLove on the Windows Phone market place. Our aim is simple: To help Windows Phone users speak directly to Instagram and the Instagram community in a way they respect, through beautiful photography.  The response has been incredible. In fact, downloads of #2InstaWithLove are off to the fastest start of any Windows Phone app ever.


Power to the Windows Phone people

But it’s not just Nokia Lumia lovers who want to see Instagram on Windows Phone. The entire Windows Phone community is eager to use this fantastic app. It’s for this reason we’ve made #2InstaWithLove available to every other Windows Phone user, regardless of device. So now more people than ever can profess their love of photography and Instagram. Just download it onto your Windows Phone then snap and share.

Why have we done this?  Marco Argenti, our VP of Developer Experience: “This movement is about the people expressing their opinions, sharing their experiences, and making their voice heard. Many have asked to make the app available for all Windows Phones, and we listened.”


The more photographs you take the louder the shout out to Instagram. So, what are you waiting for? Join the cause and make a difference to mobile photography today!

Image credits: Windows Phone Instagram lovers