Rovio, the creators of the global gaming phenomenon Angry Birds, have a new character that they’d like you to meet, Amazing Alex.
We all get those rainy days sitting around the house and feeling utterly bored, right?
[do action=”boxout”]Get Amazing Alex
- Press the Search button on your Nokia Lumia and then tap Vision
- Scan the QR code
- Tap on the link when it appears on the screen
- Install the application from the Windows Phone Store
Well, Alex doesn’t because he’s a whizz kid with an awesome imagination who can transform his toys and household objects into gripping adventures.
You can now download Amazing Alex (£0.79p) for your Nokia Lumia smartphone running on Windows Phone 7.x or 8 and those boring days can become a thing of the past for you too!
Challenge yourself (and the world)
Amazing Alex is an innovative physics puzzle game over 100 levels and set in four fun locations.
Alex has set up different challenges where you need to complete the chain reaction using a variety of household objects. There might be more than one way of solving a puzzle and you have to find the most creative solution.
For example, how might you land the football from the top shelf into the basket a couple of metres away without it touching the floor?
Sounds easy, but there are obstacles in your way, traps to be avoided and the challenges get progressively harder and more complex.
It’s not just Amazing Alex who is setting the challenges. You can do it too.
You can create your own puzzles using 35 interactive objects and share them with friends, or with the whole world. You can also test your skills on other fan-created puzzles.
With Amazing Alex, you are not just solving puzzles but you can create them too!