It’s been an amazing couple of weeks for Nokia Lumia lovers, with first the announcement of the Nokia Lumia 928 for Verizon and now the stunning Nokia Lumia 925. Unsurprisingly this has prompted a ton of cool new videos to hit the Web. Here’s five we found this week, which showcase the new Lumias on the block as well as our older favourites.
Come fly with the Nokia Lumia 928
The Nokia Lumia 920 is well known for its amazing Optical Image Stabilisation. Happily, this feature is equally as impressive on the Nokia Lumia 928. To see for yourself check out this incredible video of the Squamish valley in British Columbia. Shot in 1080p high definition video, while the Lumia 928 was attached to a helicopter it not only shows off the qualities of the camera, but the beauty of the Canadian wilderness too.
More than the eye can see
The Nokia Lumia 925 camera is a new and improved version of what’s come before: new algorithms mean that the processing is noticeably better for fine detail and noise. Low light performance in particular is excellent, with the effective top-end ISO moving from 800 to 3200. Plus with Smart Camera mode you really can view “more than the eyes can see” as this video shows us in fine, finger-clicking style.
The fab three
We all know the Nokia Lumia 920, Nokia Lumia 925 and Nokia Lumia 928 are fantastic imaging smartphones. They all have 8.7 MP and all have Carl Zeiss optics, so what exactly is it that makes the Lumia 925 the latest and greatest. This video by our friends at Pocketnow explains everything in just two and a half minutes.
Zoom on
So you’ve got one of the world’s best imaging smartphones, but you want to take your mobile photography to the next level. What do you do ? Well, one option is to get hold of a kick-ass zoom lens. There’s a few around but this one, costing a mere twenty dollars, got the big thumbs up from the guys at Windows Phone Central. Click play to see why.
A Swedish cinema debut for the Nokia Lumia 920
We kick started this week’s video fest with an epic cinematic masterpiece, so what better way to finish than with another, this time shot by Christopher Westerholm on the Nokia Lumia 920. The footage was taken in a national park in Sweden with the aim of showing that the Nokia Lumia 920 was capable of taking “cinemastyle” video. To see if Christopher pulled it off, be sure to view this on 1080 HD.
Five videos that underscore the incredible imaging available on top of the range Nokia Lumias. But which one did you find most useful?