Peter becomes a photographer with Nokia Lumia
Born in Slovakia, Peter Velisek has been living in London for the past 3 years and has fallen in love with its vibrant atmosphere and endless photographic opportunities.
His journey into the photography world came as a result of a lot of pain, a broken wrist to be precise. An injury that gave him 7 weeks of recuperation which he took full advantage of. Turning a negative situation on its head, Peter used the time to hone his skills with his Lumia 920.
Upon upgrading to his Lumia 1020 he fell in love with photography and states that a combination of YouTube tutorials and the guidance of fellow advocates helped him greatly in becoming the great mobile photographer that he has become. Now, after a lot of hard work it appears that he can do it all! Shots in the day, at night, close-ups, colour, black and white, panoramic, colour-pop, nature, cities, portraits and a whole lot more too. To be honest, I’m really quite jealous. Not just because of the quality of the shots, but the aforementioned variety too. He truly is producing a stunning array of visual goodies for all of us to ‘wow’ over.
– You can see exactly what I’m talking about right here as Peter captures a tilt-shift HDR image of The Royal Victoria Dock to stunning effect
Peter started his Nokia love story with a 5520, moving on to the legendary N8 and then a 920 to today’s 1020.
Why does he Lumia? It’s simple.
‘The camera and Nokia camera app gives me the feeling of being a proper photographer, because the app allows me to manage my camera the way I want. I can change ISO, brightness, focus, light mode and time of exposure’.
The management of his device is clearly seen here as Peter captures the sun smouldering on the horizon under a blanket of darkness, the contrast of fiery oranges and black fighting each other for supremacy.
He doesn’t have any favourite photos but says that HDR has been the main source of recent enjoyment, and he’s been getting a lot of positive feedback.
‘I am very proud of my work over the last eight months as people have been given me great feedback and many of them think that my photographs are as good as proper camera and can’t believe they are from a mobile phone’.
– The photo below fully justifies this claim. The background is crisp and detailed where as whatever vehicle came along in the foreground has definitely gone past in Roadrunner fashion in Piccadilly Circus.
In terms of editing, Velisek ‘highly recommends’ Fantasia and Creative Studio.
‘Both of them are fantastic and will give you a hundred options and everything depends just on your view, how you see beauty in this world’
– A wonderfully vibrant photograph of the tube in Canary Wharf, a perfect example of Velisek’s statement of how we see beauty differently, or maybe we’re running around so much that in the City we just don’t manage to see it when we should.
What’s in the future for Peter, well he would love to become a full-time photographer, though even if that doesn’t transpire, ‘photography is a passion I will never cease to pursue’ says Velisek, and that is great news as it means we can continue to enjoy his Lumia-fuelled delights.
I’ll leave you now with a few more terrific images captured by Peter.
The Tower Bridge docks looking as vibrant as ever! The colours here are truly fantastic.
Car shots can sometimes be boring but with the use of a great angle and Fantasia painters HDR mode this shot of an Impala looks great!
A panoramic of Brezova Pod Bradlom in Slovakia that feels so summery that I can’t wait to see views like this again!
So what do we all think of Peter’s shots? Does anybody have any questions for him?
You can ask him in the comments below.