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March 6, 2014

Twitterview: Your questions to Lumia filmmaker Hadrien Picard answered

Nokia has nearly 1.3 million Twitter followers and all of you have the chance to interview movers and shakers, creatives and tech heads, bloggers and developers for our new interview series, Twitterview.

Our first call for questions went out at the end of last month and we had an overwhelming response. The man you were interviewing was Nokia Lumia 1020 film maker extraordinaire, Hadrien Picard. Hadrien has been a key member of the PureView Series of short films created by a group of talented film makers, with the help of Nokia France. Hadrien recently came back from Iceland, where he filmed an amazing short movie about Icelandic BMXer Anton Arnarson. The film really is stunningly beautiful and not only goes to show the amazing skills of Hadrien and Anton, but the capabilities of the Nokia Lumia 1020 as well. To see for yourself check out the video below with the settings at 1080HD. And once you’ve done that scroll down to see your questions to Hadrien answered.

@BlakePRider How does Lumia 1020 differ from popular hand-held cameras?

Haha! Well, it’s supposed to be a phone first! It does so many things, but one of the main differences compared with a regular video camera is that it is connected so you can share your photos and videos with the world and your friends in seconds.

@VPerriello Hadrien, how do you handle vibration?

There is already a damn good optical stabilizator that does a really nice job. It all depends about your set up. If you only have your Lumia with you try to hold it steady, walk slowly, even with breathing a little bit lower and slower. You can also hold the phone against a wall or a curb. If you like gear, you can put it on a tripod, a slider, a steady cam or even on a crane !

If you watch the behind the scenes of some of my videos and others from the NokiaPureviews series you can see what I mean.

@TechnoZeast What was your motivation to shoot such an outstanding video?

I’d always rather try to shoot a good video than a bad one :). Seriously, if we speak about the video filmed in Iceland, I really wanted to film this one for a lot of reasons. Firstly, it’s a beautiful country and the people are really nice. Plus,  the rider, Anton Arnarson is really talented and has motivation like you wouldn’t believe.

@shahidul How well does it perform in low light conditions?

It performs pretty good ! I really like the flash that you can use for filming too. It’s really powerful ! If you are really into low light photo/video, the Nokia Lumia 925 is even better.

@Cranelake10 Is there anything you did with the 1020 you couldn’t do with a movie camera?

I’ve always liked the saying “the best camera is the one you have with you”. The Lumia 1020 fits in your pocket and is able to shoot some really nice images, both photo and video. It also enables you to shoot some stuff you’d never have been able to shoot without it.


@cheekyplan Stability of shot on #Lumia1020 any handy tips & what have you found to be the best editing app?

Like I’ve said, if you have nothing like a tripod with you, it’s really just a matter of common sense. Film horizontally, don’t move/pan too fast and don’t shake. Be calm and try and think about your shots. I personally edit on Adobe Premiere. No need to convert to another format, so it can save you tons of time!

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading Hadrien’s answers to your questions as much as us. And we also hope he’s inspire you to get out there and get filming.  To check out more amazing Nokia Lumia 1020 videos, be sure to subscribe to Nokia’s

Pureviews YouTube channel. And if you have any questions or any suggestions for our next Twitterview, let us know in the comments below.