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March 25, 2014

Sharing tips on Nokia X

There are many ways to send updates to all your friends and family with the Nokia X family. Join us as we take a look at the variety of options.


Hey there, social butterfly. You look like someone who’s constantly connecting with your friends via the medium of social networks. We’re right, yes? You’ll want to download RapidFire, then.


One app to share to all

RapidFire is free to download (there is a Pro, paid version) and is currently available from third-party Android app stores, such as 1Mobile Market.

Once installed, sign in to your cacophony of social networks and gain the ability to send messages and pictures with just one click – type your message, hit ‘Fire’ and off it goes.

RapidFire supports Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Foursquare, MySpace, Tumblr, WordPress,,, Posterous and many more.

The power of an individual


However, that’s not the only way to share your news with the world. While RapidFire is great, individual social network apps offer a richer set of features.

With the Facebook Messenger app for example, you can  launch a chat with friends and keep them nearby at all times. Long-pressing one of your recent chats in the app will give you the option to “pop out chat head”, which pins the friend’s profile pic as a bubble on your Nokia X’s home screen. This is super convenient if you want to pause, then resume chatting later. Just tap the bubble to pick up exactly where you left off. You can remove the chat head with a simple long press and dragging the bubble towards the “X” that appears.

Gallery sharing


Sharing photos or videos right from your Nokia X gallery is simple. Find the item you want to share and tap and hold on it until the share icon appears at the bottom.

A screen will appear showing a list of installed apps. All you need to do is select the one you want to use.

If you want to share a photo to Instagram, for example, selecting its icon will launch take you straight to the crop screen and only moments away from sending your perfectly edited photo.

Sharing in the clouds

Sharing photos and status updates is key for any self-discerning socialite networker. For the well-heeled business type, it’s documents and data. For whoever you are, OneDrive and its 10GB free cloud storage is perfect.

Within the OneDrive app, tap and hold an item followed by the share icon. The share screen pops up requesting you to pick a service such as Email, and Skype.

If you want to just share a shortcut of the file, tap the link icon instead. That was just a few ways to share anything with anyone with Nokia X. How will you share?