Nokia Play to: share Lumia content across your network
Owning a Nokia Lumia smartphone means you’re going to be able capture some amazing video or photos. Seamlessly sharing those to other screens is easy, thanks to Nokia Play to for Windows Phone 8 and Windows Phone 8.1.
Nokia Play to works by tapping into your home WLAN network, taking advantage of any DLNA-capable device connected to it.
Just think about what you’ve got plugged into your network right now: a large-screen TV? A laptop or desktop computer? How about your Xbox? Chances are it’s all of them.

This latest version of Nokia Play to provides support for all Windows Phone 8.1 resolutions, includes image slideshow support and delivers a new, simplified UI.
On your phone, and with Nokia Play to installed, first select the media you want to use. Your Lumia will then guide you to the connection options.
Once you’ve established a link to the network you then need to find the device you want to stream to.
If your devices are turned on and visible on your network they’ll be listed on the screen. Just tap to connect.
Head back to the Nokia Play to start screen and choose which media content you wish to share, from the pictures, music or videos options.
All that’s left to do now is sit back, put your feet up and browse your content on a big-screen, via your Lumia.
Great, huh?
Nokia Play to runs on Nokia Lumia devices running Windows Phone 8 with the latest Black update installed. It will also run on the upcoming Windows Phone 8.1 smartphones, such as the Nokia Lumia 630, 635 and 930.
Are you using Nokia Play to? What do you think of it?