Meet June’s Connects Challenge winner!
Turn off the music for a sec, our aspiring album cover designers… we have something to tell you! The great Dean Pattrick of Nokia MixRadio and our panel of judges have spoken.
The coolest covers made even cooler
For those who need their memory refreshed, June’s #ConnectsChallenge (previously known as #LumiaChallenge) was to recreate the cover of your favourite music album, using any device and any materials you wanted. Lots of room for creativity there, and lots of creativity was exactly what we found in the flood of entries for this challenge. It looks like you all had fun!
Without keeping you in suspense any longer, let’s reveal the runners up as well as the one and only winner of a Nokia X! Scroll down and prepare for moments of revelation, discovery and laughter… at least that’s what we experienced when looking at these. Original album cover designers for these pop stars and rock legends, eat your heart out!
And, in reverse order, first the runners up…
Runners up
Michael Jackson by Nicolas Suffys
And the grand winner!
Justin Timberlake by Constantin Ciobanu
Congratulations to Constantin Ciobanu for winning a Nokia X! Hope you enjoy your your fantastic new Nokia X and love listening to Nokia MixRadio on it. As for the runners up, we’ll be sending you a surprise… To get your prizes, please email [email protected].
If anyone’s seen a load of album covers in his time, it’s Dean Pattrick of Nokia MixRadio. Our music maestro found it a real #Challenge to make his decision, but we think he picked the best of the bunch! What about you? Are you in tune with Dean or do you have different favourite? Please sing out your thoughts, at top volume, in the comments below.