BBM for Windows Phone: incoming!
Last week, BlackBerry announced that BBM was weeks away from being available on Windows Phone.
That’s great news for those who use, or want to use, the popular Instant Messaging service. As Jeff Gadway, head of product and brand marketing for BBM, states: “We’ve gotten an incredible number of requests for BBM to come to Windows Phone.”
But what can we expect when it lands?
In the initial release of BBM for Windows Phone you’ll be able to chat with your contacts one-to-one, or to a larger group (of up to 50) using the BBM Groups feature.
Within these conversations you have the ability to share photos, voice notes, contact details and your location.
As part of BBM Groups, every chat member has access to a shared photo album, where they can chat about photos, as well as shared calendars and shared lists.
BBM Broadcast will also be available in this first edition, giving you a platform to instantly let everybody know what you’re doing, or thinking about. It’s here that you can also see what your friends are up to.
In terms of design, BBM for Windows Phone will look and feel much like any other Windows Phone app, giving you an experience you’re already familiar with.
In the announcement post, BlackBerry declared that it was accepting applications to the beta version of the app at its BlackBerry BetaZone ahead of the official launch.
Interest in the beta has been incredible and the beta is currently full. If you weren’t able to join the beta don’t worry BBM for Windows Phone will be available soon.
Are you on the beta program? Let us know what it’s like. If not, is BBM for Windows Phone something you’re looking forward to using?
Share your thoughts, with us below.
UPDATE: Download BBM Beta for Windows Phone.