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August 14, 2014

Live Lock Screen BETA available on Windows Phone 8.1

When Windows Phone 8.1 was introduced in April, one of the upcoming features was Lock Screen Themes.

It was promised that Lock Screen Themes would come by way of an app; that app is now available from the Windows Phone Store as a BETA.

Live Lock Screen BETA has several ways to liven up your Lock Screen.

For instance, you can change the way that the clock is displayed – all screenshots taken from a Lumia 1520:


Additionally, there are plenty of image options for your wallpaper.

If you like a new high-resolution image on your screen every day, switch on the Bing Images option.

This Bing Image will match the daily photo that’s on the Bing homepage.

If you’d rather use your own images from your Photo Hub, there’s also that option. Select just one, or several images, and line them up to change periodically through the day.

There’s even the ability to set just an accent color or make use of the preloaded Lock backgrounds as your wallpaper.


Whatever image you use as your wallpaper, it can be set to change every hour, every four hours, every 12 hours, daily or never.

Make your Lock Screen more interesting by downloading the Live Lock Screen BETA.