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September 7, 2014

Lumia Instagramer of the Week: Orathai Retzer

“Thanks to you and the wonderful Connects team for all your support and for this great opportunity.”

As anyone who knows us will realise, Lumia Instagramer of the Week is a labour of love and a real pleasure to publish. Nonetheless, it’s always marvellous to hear words like this from the people who matter the most: Our dear readers. So, when this week’s Lumia Instagramer Orathai Retzer gave us the thumbs up, we were as happy as Larry. And we’re sure that when you see her fantastic photos you will be too.

The 28-year old mum of three was born in Thailand but grew up in Austria. Her love for photography started in 2005 when her first child was born. Since then she’s been photographing her daughter growing up and anything else she’s found interesting. Three months ago Orathai joined Instagram and began posting lots of flower macros and prrrviews of her cat. However, her friends in the #NBAN Facebook group persuaded her to give other styles of photography a try and, as you’ll see from her gallery, she took up the challenge in fine style. But before you go check her photos out, let’s hear more about her love for Lumia photography.

Which Lumia do you have and what do you like most about it?

I currently have a Lumia 930 and I love everything about it. I use it every day for all my digital needs like creativity, multimedia, internet, reading, social media and of course all kinds of communication. If I had to list my most liked features I’d say the camera, the quality of the display, the Windows Phone operating system and the sound quality.

Where do you shoot most of your photos and what sort of photos do you like to take best?

I shoot my photos mostly outside and my favourite kind of photos are macros.

What are your top tips for taking Instagram photos on your Lumia?

Just capture everything you like. You can always still delete it afterwards. And the most important thing is to leave space for cropping. Personally, I take lots of time editing my pictures and mainly use Adobe Photoshop Express for Windows Phone and Fantasia Painter. For uploading non-squared pics I use 6tag.

Which five Lumia instagramers do you recommend everyone to follow?

This is very tough, there are so many great instagramers out there… but here are my top 5

What are you top 10 favourite Instagram photos?


1. This was my macro entry for #nbanLines, the colour of the sand is amazing.


2. This is a macro of a blue flower. I just love flower macros.


3. Colourpop of my cat “Celes”, look at her amazing eyes.


4. The Hundertwasserhaus in Vienna, the colours got my attention here.


5. I think the outcome of this long shutter shot is just beautiful.


6. A silhouette capture of an angel statue, I just love the atmosphere and outcome of this one.


7. The look of the building and the reflections are great.


8. I don’t have many low-light captures. I just love the atmosphere in this one.


9. Another macro shot, these blue circles at the Hundertwasserhaus caught my attention.


10. I’m proud of this capture. It’s another Lumia Instagramer of the week, Antoniel Pavlis

We love the eclectic mix of photos in Orathai’s gallery. Generously, she gives credit for this to “the awesome help and inspiration of the lovely #NBAN family”. So if you’re looking to develop your Lumia skills, why not head on over. And for more of Orathai’s beautiful work, be sure to follow her on Instagram. Finally, if you’re a Lumia Instagramer who’d like to see their pics showcased here, follow us on Instagram or share your best pics with #Lumia, or both. In the meantime, let us know, in the comments below, which of Orathai’s photos you loved the most.