Why Microsoft is proud to be a Technology Partner for the Trust Women conference
Think of a person working in technology and the likelihood is you’ll imagine a man.
Although technology is a fundamental part of everyone’s lives, the perception that it is built by and used more by men still lingers. At Microsoft, we’re working hard to challenge that perception through both actions and innovation. This is one reason why Microsoft has partnered with Thomson Reuters Foundation for this year’s Trust Women Conference, which will be held November 18-19 in London. The aim of the Trust Women Conference is “to put the rule of law behind women’s rights through concrete action” by bringing together women’s rights pioneers in an effort to empower women on a global scale. Microsoft is very happy to be serving as the Technology Partner for the conference and to be contributing towards the joint goal of creating a better world for women everywhere. And behind these worthy goals, there are some more very concrete reason, we’re so proud to be working together.
1. It’s making a real difference
The Trust Women Conference is far more than a conference, it’s a movement oriented towards big change. Each year, a set of specific themes are explored in order to empower women globally. This year’s themes include Women and Finance, Slavery in the Supply Chain, and Women and the Cities.
2. It helps people share their stories and solutions
The Trust Women Conference features a diverse group of speakers from a variety of backgrounds, opinions, and realms of expertise, all of whom have important stories, ideas, and solutions to share. Microsoft has helped to get these stories heard by sponsoring a number of speakers in their travel arrangements to the conference in London. What’s more, Connect community member Christine Macauley will be joining Carla Eid from Microsoft at the conference. Christine is a freelance women’s wear designer. Her lifestyle blog, The Fabulous Times, has its own ‘tech’ and ‘business’ section where she discusses entrepreneurs, specifically female ones. After the event, we’ll be interviewing Christine to get her feedback and thoughts on the event.
3. It’s expanding access to knowledge
One of the most important aspects of the Trust Women Conference is accessibility of knowledge. By understanding their rights and learning how to defend them, women can work towards triggering change. In order to help women around the world take part in the conference, Microsoft will be sponsoring Live Twitter coverage.
4. It’s fostering positive social change
The Trust Women Conference promotes positive social change through its actions, speakers, and insights, an accomplishment which Microsoft whole-heartedly supports. In order to help, we’ll be promoting the Thomson Reuters Foundation Photography Award. The photography competition will announced early in 2015 with a different theme than last year If you’re interested in taking part look out for more information on Lumia Conversations in the new year.
5. It’s changing the world through devices and innovation
By working with the Thomson Reuters Foundation, Microsoft aims to better understand how products, devices, and innovation can help to empower women around the world. Making technology that benefits everyone, no matter their gender or nationality, is an important part of Microsoft’s effort to enact positive social change.
We’re sure you’ll agree, the Trust Women conference is both an exciting and worthwhile project to get involved with. To learn more about the conference, its goals, and its speakers, head over to the official website for more information. Live streams of speeches will be available as well, so be sure to check those out too. And any questions, fire them at us in the comments below.