Share your stories with Social News Beta for Windows Phone
Share local events and news with your friends, family or neighbors and find out what’s happening nearby with the free Social News Beta app, available exclusively on Windows Phone.
Social News gives you voice to share what’s happening in your neighborhood and to have those stories read by a larger audience via the Social News website.
You can also follow the stories your friends and others create. The section “from followed authors” gives you regular updates from the people you’ve marked as favorites while “My Articles” lists the stories you’ve published.
Download the Social News Beta app and sign in with your Facebook credentials to start creating and publishing news stories. Simple, isn’t it?
Create stories that matter – small or big!
If you participate in local events, you can create and share stories with top-quality pictures and video from your Lumia. Try the “here and now” News map to read about some fun, local events.
Here’s an example of London morning traffic by nikko. Yes, the situation never changes!
And how about this spectacular sighting of Fireworks by Matt Marenic?
Alternatively, you can share with your friends and neighbors that your favorite cookies are on sale, like nikko did.
Be empowered with Lumia imaging and live-streaming experience
The extraordinary imaging experience of your Lumia combined with Social News gives you the power to produce articles enriched with great pictures. You also stand a chance to get your story published in your local media. To understand how and where your Social News pictures end up, check the Social News – Support page.
Download Social News for your Lumia here. The other special bit is that you can also use Social News on desktops, laptops and tablets running Windows 8.1.
To learn more, head over to the Facebook page of Social News here.
I have already posted my first story on the Social News. When will you?