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February 27, 2015

Boy meets girl. Is it #Lumialove?

A new seven-part Vine series shows whether #Lumialove will spark between two people.

Poor Daniel. His girlfriend broke up with him and now he’s trying to find someone new. Play matchmaker by guiding him over seven Vine episodes on his quest for #Lumialove.

At the end of each of Vine video, you’ll be asked to pick between two Lumia features or two Windows Phone apps. The feature or app that gets the most positive comments is the one Daniel will pick.

Be sure to follow @Lumia US on Vine to make sure your comment counts!

Here’s the first Vine, which went live a couple of days ago.

Viewers weighed in and here’s what happened next.

The Vine series features actor Daniel Bostic and fashion blogger Cheryl van den Berg, both of whom use Lumia smartphones in real life.

So which emoji will it be? Please weigh in @LumiaUS–the next Vine episode airs on Monday, March 2.
