Kawaii Alert! Get the Cute Cloud on your Lumia
Whether it’s furry puppies, fuzzy kittens, chubby babies or tiny yellow ducklings, Bing has “cute” covered with the new Cute Cloud.
Don’t underestimate the power of cute.
Research shows that seeing images and videos of cute animals and babies being, well, their adorable selves lowers stress and increases focus.
“Cute” is also one of the most searched-for terms on the Internet. So Bing recently created the Cute Cloud.
Get your daily dose of kawaii (Japanese for “lovable”) on your Lumia or other Windows Phone by bookmarking it!
Things that make you go “awww”
“The Cute Cloud is really a sugar-bowl of cuteness, stored remotely in the cloud, and searched with the precision that only Bing can deliver,” said Derrick Connell, corporate vice president of Bing, in this recent Bing Blog post on the Cute Cloud.
“Our algorithms can mine the web precisely for the two key indices of cute: eye-to-head-size ratio and, of course, cuddle density. That means we’re now able to deliver adorable media at scale while featuring the best of cute on the Bing homepage, today and every day.”
Cuddle density, y’all. That’s what it’s all about.
You can see the latest cute animal videos, loop the cute with GIFs that you can share with friends and family, search for cuteness, and even have a look at food that’s (almost) too cute to eat.
April 11 is “Love Your Pets Day”
This Saturday is “Love Your Pets Day.” So after giving your dog, cat or other animal a cuddle, support cute by tapping the “donate” button on the Cute Cloud to help your local Humane Society take care of pets up for adoption.
While you’re at it, take a look at our story on how to take great photos of your pet with your Lumia. Share them with us in the comments section below — bonus points if your pet was adopted from a local animal shelter.
So go ahead, go to the Cute Cloud on your Lumia. We dare you not to be charmed!