5 reasons why I love Fhotoroom and why you will too
If you’re a regular reader you’ll know Jeff Daly, the filmmaker, photographer and Lumia lover extraordinaire.
Well, on top of this, Jeff is a very passionate user of Imaging app Fhotoroom. So much so, that he wanted to share with us all his five reasons why he loves it and why we will too. Always eager to give a voice to our amazing community, we asked him to put his thoughts in writing and he did so in fine style. So, to find our why Fhotoroom rocks his boat read on. Over to you, Jeff!
There is no shortage of imaging apps on the Windows Phone platform. Whenever I learn of a new one, I usually install it and use it. There are a couple that have managed to stay installed and one that I constantly find myself returning to. Fhotoroom is my go-to photography editing and social showcase destination. Let me break down the 5 main reasons.
1. You get regular updates from a responsive developer.
The developer of Fhotoroom is really responsive and really prolific with coding. He’s constantly upgrading, while also interacting with users. It’s really an impressive effort and one that I am happy to support however I can. I recall asking him, half-jokingly, to make a new filter (he calls them presets) and name it after me. Well, he did it and the “Dose” extreme black and white, preset is there and waiting to be used.
Here’s me with a dose of #Dose, while on the Spinning bike.
2. Editing is non-destructive and fast.
I find that my creativity is enhanced using Fhotoroom because the editing is so fast and non-destructive. You can always “undo” whatever you’ve tried and try something else if it doesn’t work. The software gives you the tools and gets out of the way.
Those were all edits that I worked on and made changes and went back to and tried again.
I’ve also found myself in paradise with the need for a quick edits to get uploaded right away. Such is the chore of being a board member and the Director of Social Media for the Catalina Film Festival. Sometimes…you find yourself taking pictures with famous people.
3. You can play with HDR
I don’t shoot in HDR very often, but I use the effect, quite a bit. Most of the time it’s just a touch, but Fhotoroom is, again, my go-to editing app for post-shutter HDR, when I want to add some drama to a shot.
4. It has an amazing community
One of my favorite parts of Fhotoroom is the community. I didn’t know a single person on the site when I first started, but now I’ve met and become friends with several people from the social side of Fhotoroom. What I love is that the people are genuinely interested photography and supporting each other. There are still selfies and food pictures, but they never overwhelm for feed. If you want a treat, peruse the “Interesting” feed for some great pictures. You’ll also want to check out and participate in the monthly #SMFC (SassyMynx Fhoto Challenge). You’ll find hashtags like that one useful and not the #mindlessstringofletters that you find elsewhere. If you are new and looking for some great people to follow, I have some suggestions. These are people who post great photographs and you’ll find them “liking” and commenting on other people’s pics, being genuinely supportive. Tell ‘em @dalydose sent you!
SassyMynx – www.fhotoroom.com/@sassymynx
You might remember her name from above. She runs a monthly challenge where she chooses a word per day to inspire you to take a photo. She’s generally a really kind soul and you’ll do well to add her to your universe! She also takes great pictures and draws and in true Canadian form…is polite…but doesn’t like hockey.
SpealsyColeman – www.fhotoroom.com/@spealsycoleman
She find the BEST locations and get the BEST perspective and somehow manages to give out the BEST compliments. I can’t imagine Fhotoroom without the lovely banter of which Spealsy is usually a part. She definitely adds to my Fhotoroom social experience.
Prepare yourself to be wowed by some amazing edits. He posts some things that I would never have “seen” and he does it with brilliance. Now he’s branching out and mastering real-life landscapes, so start following him now.
This woman is so good that she’s now selling her work. We’ve had the pleasure of viewing her perspectives for free and you still can. I’ve seen her work on other sites, but I feel like Fhotoroom, for reasons explained below, better shows off her style and talent.
If you follow these folks, and me and participate in the #SMFC, I think you’ll get hooked on the community too.
5. All sizes welcome
Square seems to be all the rage these days, but lots of photo aren’t meant to be cropped inside 4 right angles. Sometimes 4×3 or 16×9 or 2×3 or some other ratio is better suited for a photograph than 1×1. Fhotoroom put all size pictures on display, beautifully. I’ve even posted some panoramic shots on there! I can’t imagine cropping any of these shots down to a square. Can you?
Some very compelling reasons, from a man clearly in the know, to get loved up with this awesome app. So, the million dollar question is have you downloaded it yet and if so what do you love about it? Let us know down below.