7 signs you love your smartphone way too much
Okay, we admit it. We’re head over heels in love with our Lumias.
This will come as no surprise to regular readers of Conversations. We live and breathe Lumia, so it’s almost inevitable that we’ve got so obsessed. But loving your smartphone way too much is hardly unique to the people who write about them. Research carried out last year by marketing agency Tecmark, showed that the average smartphone user is on their phone for three hours and sixteen minutes a day. What’s more they pick them up a staggering 1500 times a week. So, clearly we’re not alone. The question, though, is what other signs are there that tell us we’re getting a little too tactile with our tech. To help you find out, we’ve compiled a handy guide. Simply put, you know you love your Lumia way to much when…
…waking up is checking Instagram time.
…catching a train while Whatsapping with one hand no longer feels like this.
…this is how you feel about a weekend in a place with no cell coverage.
…this is how you look trying to answer all your messages once you get Internet coverage back.
…you smile when your superior camera makes your friends look like this.
…you feel like this when you realize you’ve lost your Lumia.
…your front camera is the only mirror you’ve used for weeks.
These are our seven signs, but we’ve no doubt there are plenty more. So, when you can tear yourself away from caressing your gorgeous Lumia screen, please share yours in the comments below.