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August 25, 2015

Conversations challenges you to take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella dumped a bucket of ice water over his head to promote awareness of ALS. Now we challenge you to do the same and record it on your Lumia!

Earlier this month, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and Terry Myerson, executive vice president of the Windows and Devices Group, along with other members of the Windows team, took part in the ALS Ice Bucket challenge.

They willingly dumped buckets full of ice water over their heads to boost awareness of ALS, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, an incurable progressive neurodegenerative disease. It’s also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease in the United States, named after the famed baseball player who died from the malady in 1941.

Former pro-football player Steve Gleason challenged Satya and Terry as part of Team Gleason’s #GiveTheWord campaign, which raised nearly $1 million last year for ALS awareness. Read more about Satya and Terry taking the challenge on Microsoft’s The Fire Hose blog.

Now we’re challenging you!

Record yourself taking the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge with your Lumia and share the video with us in the comments below. Be sure to share it with your friends on social media and use the hashtag #ALSIceBucketChallenge.

Not sure how to do it? Watch this helpful video produced by the ALS Association:

For more information on ALS and the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, and to donate, visit the ALS Association online.

Have you ever taken this challenge? Give us the frosty details below.
