Bright Simons is 27 years old, and hails from Accra, Ghana. His idea is to combat rising rates of pharmaceutical fraud in Africa through developing a mobile phone-based drug authentication system – an idea sparked as a result of seeing shocking figures from an Interpol survey of major pharmacies in Lagos, Nigeria, that found 80 percent of the medicines on sale were fakes. With the World Health Organization suggesting that a quarter of all medicines sold in the developing world are fakes.
“The issue of counterfeit medication casts a shadow over many developing nations, due to lack of an economicallyaccessible, technically-feasible system to assist consumers and regulators in distinguishing between fake and genuine drugs.”
Bright’s reaction was to develop an SMS based service with an ingenious authentication twist, called mPedigree. The idea is extremely simple, sustainable and socially significant. When you buy a prescription drug it comes with a scratch panel on the packaging, that when scraped off reveals an eight digit number. You then create an SMS on your phone and send to a simple four digit code (1393), and soon after you receive a message telling you if the prescription drug is genuine or a fake. The text message is free and paid for by the drug manufacturer.
mPedigree was successfully tested in a pilot scheme with locally manufactured drugs in March 2008 with over 2,000 participants who were later interviewed. Bright says:
““The initial evidence is that people are ready to jump on as long as the service is free”
The next goal is to get international drug manufacturers involved. We reckon it’s a fantastic approach. What do you think?
Click here to read more about Bright Simons and the other stories of YouthActionNet fellows being supported by Nokia.
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