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July 8, 2008

Practicing what you preach

ESPOO, Finland – We’ve already seeing from the survey results today how shocking the rate of phone recycling is around the world. Being one to practice what it preaches, Nokia has been building awareness of phone recycling throughout its offices. Phone recycling bins have been widely used in Nokia offices for a long while now, but recently a new initiative was launched in Nokia House, Espoo.

Kicked off on World Environmental Day, the internal recycling drive was designed to help raise awareness of the we:recycle campaign which is going on externally. An internal program dubbed we:champions was launched along with the rather conspicuous recycling bin pictured above. We:champions are internal volunteers who stepped up to help raise awareness of the campaign amongst their peers and colleagues.

Plonking a great big WE bin in the middle of the canteen turned out some fantastic results. In one day over 700 phones and 800 accessories were collected for recycling. The bin is now in place full time until the end of the summer and with any luck, there might be more cropping up in other Nokia offices.

Rumours of Nokia employees raiding the stationary cupboard to fill up their now free drawer space are doing the rounds, but insiders suggest (via a fresh post it note) that they simply aren’t true.