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July 23, 2019

Windows Admin Center Preview 1907

Hello Windows Insiders! Thanks for staying up-to-date on the Windows Admin Center journey! This release contains fixes and improvements to the Windows Admin Center platform, with some iterative updates to some of your favorite tools and experiences.

Azure cost estimates – Azure hybrid integrations within Windows Admin Center now include a hyperlink to Azure, to discover and understand the estimated cost of that service once onboarded.

Performance Profile updates – A new feature introduced in 1906, Performance Profile (available in gateway settings) now includes import and export capabilities.

Import virtual machine – You can now conveniently rename VMs during the import process if we detect that the VM’s name already exists.

VM tag support for clusters – In addition to the VM tag support for Hyper-V servers in v1906, you can now add/edit tags for Failover and HCI clusters.

Pending reboot banner – Windows Admin Center now includes a banner on the Overview tool that notifies you when a reboot is pending on the server/computer being managed.

Known issues

  • Network – If you have configured an Azure Network Adapter, the value under Microsoft Azure Virtual Network Gateway Address will be formatted as a hyperlink but leads to an invalid address.
  • Chrome users may see 403 Forbidden response from WAC after upgrading. The workaround is to close *all* open chrome tabs (make sure there are no chrome.exe processes running). After restarting chrome, everything will function normally. We have an error message that makes this clear, but chrome users with multiple windows admin center tabs open during upgrade will not see the message.
  • Performance Profile – There is a known issue where Performance Profile can’t be turned off when multiple instances of Windows Admin Center are running on a single desktop. To turn off Performance Profile, ensure that only one instance (browser window) is open with Windows Admin Center.  This will be fixed in the next release.

How to Download

Registered Insiders may download Windows Admin Center Preview 1907 directly from the Windows Server Insider Preview download page, under the Additional Downloads dropdown. If you have not yet registered as an Insider, see Getting Started with Windows Server on the Windows Insiders for Business portal.

We value your feedback!

The most important part of a frequent release cycle is to hear what’s working and what needs to be improved, so your feedback is extremely valued. Send us feedback via UserVoice. We also encourage you to visit the Windows Admin Center space on the Microsoft Tech Communities forum to collaborate, share and learn from experts.

Terms of Use

All pre-release software made available to you via the Windows Server Insider program are governed by the Insider Terms of Use.

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