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October 1, 2013
Windows Phone Developer Blog

Using Telerik Cloud-Powered Components in your Windows Phone 8 App

Windows Phone partner Telerik offers tools and UI controls for developers and recently released the first ever cloud-powered controls for Windows Phone 8. This new set of controls, called “Telerik Cloud Controls for Windows Phone” is illustrated in a series of blog posts published on Telerik’s site.

Check out all five parts of the tutorial, to help you create an application that stores data in the cloud to be easily accessed by users on multiple devices:

How to Create a Cloud-Powered Windows Phone App with Telerik Cloud Controls
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5


In the posts, Telerik’s Michael Crump, XAML Evangelist, and Todor Petrov, Software Developer, walk you through several of the cloud-powered controls and teach you to use them in your app using a fictional app called “Memories,” which allows users to store information and pictures about important events in their lives, such as a birthday party or New Year’s celebration.
If you have built apps with Telerik controls, let the world know by submitting your app to the Telerik Showcase.

Also, take a moment to view my //build 2013 session that featured Telerik, along with other partner offerings, “Quickly Add and Enhance Capabilities to Windows Phone Apps.”

JC Cimetiere