Just like with the Windows 7 Beta, I thought it would be nice to take a look at what people have been saying about Release Candidate 1 of Internet Explorer 8.
Dana Wollman from LAPTOP says:
The last time we tested IE 8, it was often—but not always—faster than Firefox 3. This time around, it blew Firefox out of the water, along with Google Chrome.
Joe Wilcox from Microsoft Watch says this:
IE 8 is the most significant upgrade to the browser family in more than a decade—not since IE 4, I say. This is the version you want to download, try and adopt.
Preston Gralla from Computerworld says this:
IE8 is clearly nearly ready for release. RC1 is stable and fast, and it contains a full feature set.
From SuperSite for Windows, Paul Thurrott says this:
…IE 8 RC1 is a solid upgrade over the previous Beta 2 release, and points to a solid final release. If you’re already using a previous beta version, you should snag RC1 immediately. And if you’re curious about the future of Windows Web browsers, you could do a lot worse than IE 8 RC1: Even in prerelease form, it’s a solid, dependable browser. Recommended.
Anthony Ha from VentureBeat says:
All in all, this sounds like a cool package, not just a facelift. At the very least, I can say that the new browser includes some compelling concepts that could help Microsoft hold on to its insanely high market share, and perhaps even reverse its decline against competitors like Mozilla’s Firefox and Apple’s Safari.
Michael Muchmore from PC Magazine says this:
…I really like what Microsoft has done with Internet Explorer, and, in this late prerelease version, looks ready to give our Editors’ Choice Web browser, Firefox 3, a real run for its money. The new browsing conveniences, tab behavior, security protections, and standards support offer a potent combo.
And from InformationWeek, J. Nicholas Hoover says:
Microsoft has come a long way with IE8 by pushing performance barriers, embracing Web standards, and adding a few new features.
If you haven’t already, download Internet Explorer 8 RC1 today from http://www.microsoft.com/ie8.