Roxio PhotoShow Touch is designed for Windows Touch. You can easily compose and share slideshows with just a touch of your finger, stylus, or a click of your mouse. You can easily manipulate photos using simple touch gestures. Simply place a finger on each corner to rotate the photo. You can also drag your fingers apart to enlarge a photo.
When you first start PhotoShow, you’ll be presented with all the photos and videos on your PC. Simply tap or click on the photos you want to add to your show. You can also drag photos to the exact spot you want them.
After you’ve selected your photos, you may drag them into place to select your desired order. You can also tap on the trash can to delete any photos that don’t make the cut.
After you have the right order, you can select from a pre-defined PhotoShow style to show off your photos. The one-tap styles automatically generate you show with animation, soundtrack, and transitions. You can choose between customizing the music, animation, and borders.
If you are a bit more creative there is a selection of stickers to customize your photos. PhotoShow uses touch input to dynamically add, size, and position the animated graphics. The Roxio catalog offers additional stickers if you have the full version of the application.
You can also add captions to your photos for additional commentary. Note, you can’t customize the size or type of font so this is great if just want to add a quick comment.
Finally, you can put it all together to share with friends and family. PhotoShow Touch offers three options:
- Post to PhotoShow
- Post and email
- Export Video file
If you select to post or post and email the video is saved on the PhotoShow web service for you to enjoy. If export the video file, it will automatically be saved as a .wmv file on your pc.
PhotoShow Touch does not supporting editing photos, so I’d recommend using Windows Live Photo Gallery to clean up your photo’s in advance with the touch up feature or photo fuse to get that perfect shot.
You can learn more on Windows Product Scout and download the free trial.