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July 6, 2011

Evo’11: Meet The Windows Blogging Team

Salt Lake City. Evo’11. If you know what we are talking about then you are likely one of the amazing female small business owners and bloggers who are participating in this year’s evo’11 conference. The conference brings these great women together to discuss the forefront of social media. And Windows will be there helping make it possible. We are providing 7 bloggers with Sony VAIO Y PCs running Windows 7. We chose the VAIOs just for these bloggers as it’s the perfect lightweight travel companion for a blogger (or anyone!) on the go. Weighing just over 3 lbs and possessing an 11” screen, its also a great size for a woman. You can throw it in a bag or carry-on and hop from conference to conference. Not to mention, it comes in a fun girly pink and sleek silver colors that will make you stand out from a sea of others.


Our official Windows evo’11 conference bloggers will be live blogging, live tweeting and live posting from the conference floor all with the help of Windows PCs. You’ll notice them by their great Sony VAIO Y pink PCs, their rocking Microsoft shirts and proudly displaying the below badges on their respective websites, posts on the evo’11 blog and more (see below for all their details).


Curious who the 7 bloggers are? The evo’11 conference founders handpicked these seven bloggers to be the voice of evo’11. We are excited to be able to work with them to celebrate the spirit and the vision of the conference above and over their own blogs. However, they all possess great individual blogs and we encourage you to check them out. Read on to find out who will be rocking Sony VAIO PCs and Windows Phones during this years information, fun event in Utah.


Camille Langston, Make It Work Mom:

She loves dancing with her girls, reading with her girls, and playing with her girls. Her number one concern in life is their well-being and happiness, and she’s constantly thinking of ways to maximize her limited time spent with them. This is the main reason she started this website. By day she’s a recruiter, by night a blogger extraordinaire.


Melissa Lierman, Time Out Mom:

She has three children and is also a mom blogger at, an avid tweeter @TimeOutMom, and loves to connect with people all over the world via Social Media. You can often find her tweeting on Twitter late into the night – send a tweet and say Hello! She is also the social media director for the Evo conference!


Jenny Eckton, Formerly Phread:

She blogs about her life, her family and her day to day challenges. The motivation behind her blog was to write, to connect, to laugh, and to share evolving ideas and start conversations.


Amy Harman, Becoming A Better Woman From the Inside Out:

Her blog celebrates female empowerment by strengthening relationships and improving mental and physical well-being.


Kelly Loubet, Everyday Childhood:

Her blog displays her favorite products, travels, craft ideas, and the trials and the joys her family experiences… all done with an authentic heart… coming from a place of genuine friendship.

Jen Tiley and Jaime Moeseer, Mom It Forward:

Mom It Forward™ is a social media community and worldwide network dedicated to enhancing the lives of women, their families, and the communities in which they live. It began in 2008 when co-founder Jyl Johnson Pattee transformed her widely popular “Girls’ Night Out” (#gno™) Twitter parties into a weekly event with purpose. The Twitter parties quickly developed into a community of women at where they could further connect, share information, and make an impact.

Also, be sure to stay tuned for additional posts about how Windows, Windows Phone, and Xbox 360 have joined together to help bloggers understand the future of Microsoft technology. In this case, bloggers wills get to see how your PC, your phone and your Xbox all play together to create one cool system: video-chatting via Xbox, Phone syncing data with a PC, meshing all your accounts together, etc. In the meantime, let me know if you are going to be at evo’11 or if I’ll have the chance to see you in August at Blogher.