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November 1, 2011

Sounders FC app is live + our Twitter contest winners


As promised last week, I’m happy to report that the official Seattle Sounders FC app is now live and available for download in the Windows Phone Marketplace, here.

Thanks to everyone who came out to Kells Seattle to watch the Sounders game with us Saturday night. We gave away a bunch of phones and made some Sounders FC very fans happy on a tough night of soccer. The highlight of the evening – after announcing a trade-in offer for the first three people that would give up their old phones, the first to respond was a guy that slid his phone across the floor where it landed at my feet. Nice work!

You may recall we also announced we’d give phones to our favorite Tweets at #WPSEA. Here are our five winners:

1. @elizabethmoran4 – @windowsphone I love being able to pin my friends to start menu and have FB/email integrated calendar! #WPSEA

2. @StepLaugh – #WPSEA I want a @windowsphone, cause this Blackberry curve is 3 years old, and I don’t want an iPhone, and android is terrible. #WP7FTW

3. @aprilsLuckKitty – @windowsphone Conversation threading across services ROCKS! Start in SMS pick up in facebook then continue in email #WindowsPhone #WPSEA

4. @MrVol84 – I love @windowsphone because it takes the complicated out the word smartphone! I can seamlessly connect with whats important to me. #WPSEA

5. @SEKKDS – @windowsphone #wpsea one of the fun (totally odd for me) things I do with #wp7:match my #windowsphone theme with what color I’m wearing!

If you’re on this list, send me an email with the following information:

o Your name & Twitter handle (for verification)

o Where you’d like your phone shipped

I’ll send you a phone once I have your contact information.