Many of you know I’m a big music fan, so I got pumped when I heard about a new offer from Windows Phone for some free music. The new Gentleman Hall album has been free the last few weeks, but tomorrow is the last day to download! Head over to the Zune Marketplace on your PC, or just login at to stream or download. There are also five free ringtones cut from songs on the new album. I wasn’t familiar with Gentleman Hall, so did a little looking around and found they recently won Billboard’s 2011 “Battle of the Bands,” two 2011 Boston Music Awards, and MTV’s Video Music Award for “Best Breakout Boston Artist” – so they’re worth keeping an eye on. And clearly, they are from Boston.
You can see their new video here, which also features your favorite mobile OS, Windows Phone, and a collection of music video production hijinks. Great way to start the week.