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July 17, 2012

Artist#Talk with Flo Rida – An Evening of Wild Ones with HP and Windows

This past Wednesday night, I learned a few interesting things during our ongoing series with HP called Artist#Talk. The event, pioneered by host Arjan of, is an extended interview with a music celebrity. In this case, it was mega-star, Grammy-award winner and “Wild One” in his own right Flo Rida. The fun-loving, compassionate party star wowed us all with stories about his family, his home state of Florida and the history behind his different tracks.

The album released last week, shooting to the top of Billboard charts. It’s easy to see why. Each track is packed with danceable beats and the fun-loving attitude for which the artist has become known. See an extended cut of the interview, here:

Artist#talk with Flo Rida

You might have noticed that all the music being played for the event was done on an HP Pavilion dm4 Beats Special Edition and there is one reason why. The experience of listening to music on a through Beats audio has been proven to be first class. This is, in short, because the audio engineers on the Beats team figured out how to reduce the amount of digital noise consumed while listening to music on your PC. Want to get into all the nitty gritty? Get the deal via video, here. Oh and an almost giddy Flo Rida is now the happy owner of an HP Pavilion dm4 Beats Special Edition OC running Windows (of course!) and he picked up a set of rocking Beats headphones in black. Find out more about his new PC here.

Finally, back to the fun surprising things I learned. When Flo made it big, his mom wanted cash instead of a fancy gift. He raised over $1 million for breast cancer research and is a huge advocate of giving back to the places that raised him. Finally, he smells amazing. That last point was just for you ladies. Now, take a few minutes to check out these pics – as people languished around in the NYC heat, popping bottles, listening to Beats, and finding their inner Wild Ones.