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June 4, 2013

Calling All College Students: Top Tips from Lauren Berger “the Intern Queen” on How to Find Your Dream Job!

With approximately 1.5 million students graduating from college this year it’s stiff competition in the job market. This means if you’ve just graduated from college and are looking for work, you will need to work smarter to stand above the crowd and land that dream job.

Tip #1

Start Early:

Find and apply early for internships across the country as having the right internship can help you build a strong personal brand and experiences which enhance your resume.

Tip #2

Get Organized:

Start by building a target list of employers you’d like to work for and do your research. If you’re still in school pursuing an internship with one of those targets companies will give you valuable insight and experience.

Tip #3

Build a Digital Footprint:

With technology and social media ingrained into almost every facet of our lives a strong digital footprint can enhance your resume. A good hiring manager will have checked you out online, and if your digital presence is limited to your last college party, you’re already in trouble.


Tip #4

Create a Professional Email Address:

Create a separate, professional email account for your job search such as, I suggest [email protected]. A professional email address sends a message to recruiters to take you seriously, that you’re ready for the real world. It also makes it much easier for you to manage your job search and stay on top important emails.

Tip #5


Coming out of school, your network are the contacts you made at your internship or fellow alums already working at one of your target companies you’ve researched. Whether you know it or not you already have a network, so use them to help you land informational interviews with managers at your target company. Resources like LinkedIn can help you find those connections. Then just ask them for help in contacting the right people. You’ll be surprised how many people are willing to help if you just ask.

These are some of my top tips using to help you land your dream job, but there are many other tools in Windows 8 which give you great access to your resume such as SkyDrive as well as organizational tools and great apps

If you have a tip to share or want more information check out my website on or tweet at me at @internqueen. You can also check out my book All Work, No Pay.