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November 10, 2014

Cortana adds more sports tracking and predicts the winner of Dancing With The Stars

Last month, we rolled out a series of improvements to Cortana such as Daily Glance for your evenings, recommendations for concerts and local apps, and Chat Cards for flights. Most recently, we also added some new sports tracking experiences.

We’ve added tracking for new soccer leagues such as EPL, Bundesliga, La Liga, Italian Serie A, and Ligue 1. We’ve also added tracking for NCAA football teams as well. Cortana will also now show you the standings for major U.S. Majors leagues including the NFL.



When you ask Cortana “Seahawks standings”, she will show you where the Seahawks stand in the NFC West. You can also ask her “NFC standings” for the latest standings in college football or “EPL standings” for the latest from FIFA games.


For a bit of fun – we’ve also added predictions for ABC’s Dancing With The Stars into Cortana powered by Bing Predicts. Just ask Cortana “Who will be eliminated in DWTS”, “Who is safe in DWTS”, or “Who is in jeopardy DWTS” for this week and she will give you an answer! You can even ask her “Who will win DWTS this year” to look ahead at what you might expect.

For a complete list of all the latest and greatest improvements and experiences we’ve brought to Cortana – click here.