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November 19, 2014

Redesigned Foursquare app now available for Windows Phone

Foursquare makes two apps today: Swarm, which helps you keep up and meet up with friends, and then Foursquare, which help people discover great places. They launched Swarm for Windows Phone back in August. And today, they are launching their redesigned Foursquare app for Windows Phone. If you already have Foursquare installed, you should receive an update. If you don’t – download it here for free from the Windows Phone Store.


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The redesigned Foursquare app has all the same great features as the app on other platforms but tailored specifically for Windows Phone. You personalize Foursquare with all the things you like – ranging from something specific like sushi or donuts to things more general like “scenic views” or “good for a quick meal”. Then it pulls together these tastes along with your past ratings on places you’ve visited and picks from friends and gives you custom search results just for you to help you discover new places. And as you discover new places, you can leave tips directly within the app and earn expertise. You can also follow people and influencers whose tastes you trust, and their tips show first and connect your Facebook and Twitter accounts and see spots your friends have liked nearby.


The redesigned Foursquare also integrates with Cortana (through her “Proactive Canvas”). Just like Cortana does by proactively offering you up news, weather, and flight information – she will also proactively offer suggestions on near-by places via Foursquare. You can tap on any of these locations in Cortana and it’ll open up the Foursquare app for more details. Pretty cool.

The redesigned Foursquare is pretty awesome and I highly recommend checking it out! It is my go-to app for discovering new places to eat and sights to see.