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A Week with Microsoft Edge: How to organize the web

Written By published April 18, 2017

Yesterday, we introduced you to a series of blog posts we’re publishing throughout this week about Microsoft Edge. Each day we’ll be sharing a new video and blog post to introduce you to the best of Microsoft Edge.

Today, we’re showing you the Microsoft Edge features that can help you keep the web organized.

We all spend a lot of time browsing the web, and it’s more important than ever to have the tools you need to stay organized, productive, and focused on the web. With the Windows 10 Creators Update, we’ve added new features to make this easier than ever – including the new tab preview bar and a simple way to set your tabs aside.

You can catch up on yesterday’s blog post about getting started with Microsoft Edge below.

A Week with Microsoft Edge: Get started with the browser designed for Windows 10

Stay tuned this week for more on Microsoft Edge!