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September 2, 2009

Next gen Nokia messaging

Nokia-messaging-facebookSTUTTGART, Germany – We’re only just seeing Nokia Messaging 2.0 rolling out and already the next evolution is being revealed at Nokia World 09. Social messaging is next for inclusion on Nokia Messaging and first out of the traps is Facebook. Nokia Messaging will bring your latest Facebook wall posts to your N97 homescreen and give you quick and easy access to all your Facebook status and messaging features.

The beta has gone live on Nokia Beta Labs today, and is available for the N97 and 6700. N97 users will be treated to better Facebook integration on the homescreen. Now you can scroll through the latest wall posts without actually leaving the homescreen. If you want to see more from one of your friends, simple click on their status message and you’ll be taken directly to the Nokia Messaging Facebook app, where you can also get the latest messages from your inbox.

This is a big leap forward for messaging, as Tom Furlong, VP of consumer messaging at Nokia, explained to us when he spoke to us earlier. With email now rolling out as a commercial service, and Instant Messaging being released across new devices, the messaging team have now started working with social networks to bring their messaging into the mix.

The messaging folks have worked hard to make messaging super efficient on devices, ensuring the least amount of bandwidth is being used, whilst still offering the best possible user experience.

If you’re running an N97 or 6700 you can pick up the app from Beta Labs now and test it out. Remember though, it’s in Beta so please give the team as much feedback as you can.

Those with a long memory might recall Tom talking to us about this at Nokia World last year.