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September 8, 2009

Nokia World comment of the week

I have too many phones, identify and commentGLOBAL – As we reported yesterday, Conversations has been awash with great comments since the build-up to Nokia World 09 took hold, with over 680 comments and trackbacks centered around new products and solutions that were recently announced. So we’ve scoured through the mountain of opinions and debate highlights to hunt for the comment of the week from all our NW09 coverage.

Read on to find out which comment has won this week’s copy of the Gravity Twitter app.

Now, having read through hundreds of your comments (in chronological order since the first NW09 related article was published – yes, my brain is a little sore), it bizarrely and perhaps quite poignantly turns out that it’s the most recent comment on Conversations that we’ve decided to award comment of the week to, now that the Nokia World dust has truly started to settle.

Frankly, it would be lazy and a little vain for the comment of the week to go to the congratulatory or even entertainingly negative thoughts scrawled on the Conversations walls. Instead, we opted for a comment that opens an interesting question in response to the events and announcements at Nokia World 09 – one that should resonate with most of us as keen mobile users. It’s the question of variety when it comes to mobile solutions, and whether too many options, services, platforms and devices breeds a lack of clarity and confusion. Here’s what Msav had to say on the matter in a comment in response to our Nokia World 09 reaction round-up.

Msav: “I feel that while a lot of devices were launched in Nokia World and there were good news on some fronts, the overall message remains unclear. All the devices seem to point out at different directions and have different possibilities. This could be seen as good thing, giving people choice. But in reality, I think it just blurs the potential of the “Nokia exprience”, meaning the device + the services = all around cababilities, from the general public. I would say Nokia needs more focus, not so much variety (or choice), when it comes to mobilizing communications. Updating facebook or twitter is not really high-end anymore, it’s just normal for folks. So would you drop 600 eur for that? Maybe, if you knew that it would last beyond the next Nokia World too.”

I’m of the belief that great variety is crucial in the pick ‘n’ mix (and ever segmenting) world of mobile communication, but what do you think? Continue the discussion here.

Congratulations Msav for opening another interesting debate – a copy of the Twitter app, Gravity, will be fluttering its way into your inbox shortly. If you want to pick up on Msav’s comment and get stuck into the debate click here to read the full story and get involved.