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May 12, 2010

Naming the Design by Community concept device (Poll 2 of 5)

Design-by-communityLONDON, England – Polling day two is now officially open and polling day one has closed in our Design by Community baby name election. Yesterday we kicked off the naming ceremony and here’s the second round of hopeful names. Over 400 votes were cast yesterday but we’re keeping schtum until next week for the big shortlist reveal. Over the next four days we’ll be putting all your remaining suggestions to the vote (those submitted with reasons) and as we mentioned yesterday if you want to check out the reason behind each moniker head over to the original article page. When it comes to the final 15 we’ll be posting the names along with the reasons suggested by the shortlisted candidates. Spotted your suggestion in today’s poll? Get voting. Pick three of your favourites to be included in the shortlist next week.