GLOBAL – Being disorganised is SO last year. This year is about getting things in order and being as efficient as possible. For us anyway. That’s why we’ve put together a little guide to how you can make this year a productive one, right from your own mobile phone. Find out how you can get organised with your Nokia, right here. Read on.
We’re hoping last year was a great year for you and we’re here to help you make this year an even better one. With some useful advice and tips on how to make the most of your phones native software, plus some help from the apps that await your attention from Ovi Store.
1. Ovi
Setting up an Ovi account is the best way to get the most of your Nokia phone. Once you’re set up with your free account at, you’re phone is only a few clicks away from any service Nokia have to offer.
2. Email
Pre-installed on all Nokia devices, it goes under the name of Nokia Messaging and it’s the first thing we do when setting up a new phone. With support for Ovi Mail, Yahoo! Mail, Google Mail, Windows Live Hotmail and many other POP/IMAP accounts, as well as corporate accounts using Microsoft Exchange, you’ve got access to ten personal email accounts. Instantly connecting your phone to any/all of your inboxes.
3. Ovi Store
For those apps that aren’t already installed on your phone, it’s the best and quickest way to get apps. Shopping at Ovi Store is as simple as clicking the icon and browsing through through thousands of apps and games.
4. Sticky Notes Touch
No organised person would be complete without Stickynotes. You write little things down and stick them on your wall to remind you to-do something later. Sticky Notes Touch lets you jot down tasks quickly, onto a virtual cork noticeboard.
5. Ovi Maps
Ditch the A-Z or the other route planners you browse on the net before you leave the house. Switch on Ovi Maps on your phone and you’ve got instant navigation – with turn-by-turn directions – to anywhere in the world. For free, forever.
6. Multiple alarms
If you wake up at 5am every morning, bringing yourself to reset that alarm every night is the last thing you want to do. Set up a repeating alarm so that you only need to set it once, leaving the phone to do the boring repetitive bit by itself. Navigate to the Alarm section of your phone, add your new alarm time and choose which days you want the alarm to sound. Job done.
7. Ovi Contacts
Personal data is the number one thing people care about most when something goes wrong with their technology. A phone can be replaced, but the phone numbers held within can be lost forever. Ovi Contacts can grab all the phone contacts from your phone and store them online, forever. Syncing your phone over-the-air with the server from time to time will keep this list up-to-date and keep your contacts safe and sound.
8. Social
Being organised doesn’t just mean being on top of things at work, your social life also needs organising too. You don’t want to forget someones birthday do you? Social keeps you up-to-date with your friends’ activity – through their status updates or tweets – and lets you download events they’ve organised on Facebook right into your phone calendar and comes built-in with new Symbian devices.
9. Quickoffice Pro 6
Do some of your work on the hour-long train journey home, so you can spend some more time playing with the kids or shooting zombies in that new game you’ve got. Whatever you prefer. Quickoffice Pro 6 turns your phone into a portable work desk, enabling you to go through those accounts and finish that presentation for the next morning.
10. Memory Status Touch
After a while and a good few months down-the-line, you might notice you’ve filled all that storage space on your phone with apps, games, music, videos and photos. Memory Status Touch, helps you keep an eye on the memory of your phone so you know when it’s time to do some house-keeping, to remove some of that old content.
So, ten ways to help you keep organised this year and make the most of your phone. Got any tips we might’ve missed?
image credit: twobee_