For those of you who may not know (and that can’t be too many now), Angry Birds has accounted for nearly 1.2 billion hours of usage in the U.S alone. The franchise has now sold more than three million plush toys and as many as 30 million T-shirts – that’s a lot of zeros.
Those Angry Birds have taken the time recently to swap rescuing eggs for cooking them, launching their very own cookbook.
There were lots of tasty little treats on offer for everyone to enjoy, as well as interactive gaming stations, Lumia 800’s to play with, children’s activities and of course plentiful copies of the cook books to have a browse through (all accompanied by lots of our Angry Birds friends too!). Mums, dads, kids, bloggers and more were all in attendance to enjoy the launch and join in the fun.
When we weren’t filling ourselves with delicious morsels, we managed to take some cool pictures to show everyone.
via techcrunch
Italian celebrity chef and, maestro behind the Zilli restaurant chain, Aldo Zilli (above, centre) attended the event. As the mastermind behind the new book, Aldo has created all the great recipes for all of you to follow. Unsurprisingly, there is a strong egg theme throughout all the dishes, in keeping with the Angry Birds’ favourite food obviously! Here’s a nice little summary of the book itself:
“Sure you need to like Angry Birds (who doesn’t) and you need to like cooking, but most of all, you need to like eggs. Every recipe features eggs in some way; from “Huffin ‘n’ Puffin” (cheese and egg soufflé) to Angry Meringues (er, meringues), each page comes with an equally cool Angry Birds cartoon illustration.”
How do you like your eggs? Share your thoughts on the new Angry Birds cookbook and let us know at @Nokia_Connects.