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February 1, 2012

Nokia photography: the best of #Amazingbackground

Since Nokia Connects started asking you for photographs taken with your Nokia phones to put on our Twitter background, we’ve had a whole heap of brilliant pictures! Today we share some of the winners and some of our favourites that, although we wanted to, could not put up!

Here we see an awesome sunrise from Mike over in the States, taken with his N8. I never knew he lived so close to Mordor!

Nokia Connects: A sunrise on fire #N8 by Mike Macias

via Mike

Here is another one of my personal favourites. This was actually taken with an N72 by Chani. It shows that with a little bit of imagination you can capture some really unique moments.

via Chani

Fantastic holiday snap from serial Nokia photographer Irfan, in Aukland. I could see this one on a postcard no trouble!

Auckland City

via Irfan

Here Alex captures some traffic and their lights at night time. This one brought to you by the Lumia 800 from somewhere in the UK.

via Alex

Here we have last week’s winner, a black town, village or city (we don’t know) settling down for bed to this deep orange sky. Graham is from Dublin so perhaps this is where he took it? Graham informed us in the comments that indeed this was taken in the city of Dublin, with his N8 🙂

via Graham

Finally here’s the week before last’s winner taken by Juho with is N8. This is one of the walls in his home and I’m sure you agree it is nothing short of splendid!

via Juho

And that’s about it for the awesome #Amazingbackground images so far. Sorry if we did not show yours but there were so many good ones it’s hard to pick out the very best! We’re obviously looking for photos all the time so keep them coming, at the very least we’ll share them with everyone on Twitter.