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November 27, 2014

Lumia reports: Get the eye-opening inside story on the Trust Women Conference

“The resounding message I took away from the Trust Women Conference was that we must work together in balance and harmony to create the World we want to live in,” says Conference attendee Christine Macaulay.

As many of you know, Microsoft is incredibly proud to have served as Technology Partner for the annual Trust Women Conference, which took place in London on November 17-20. The conference covered a number of themes, such as Women and Finance, Slavery in the Supply Chain, and Women and the Cities, and Connect community member Christine Macauley was able to get the scoop for those of us that couldn’t be there. Christine is not only a Lumia lover, but also a freelance fashion designer and editor of the lifestyle blog The Fabulous Times. She has a special interest in the roles of entrepreneurial women in tech and business. Read on to find out what Christine’s thoughts on the Trust Women Conference, technology, and of course, Lumia.


What role does technology have to play in your day-to-day life as an entrepreneur?

Technology is an integral part of my day-to-day life, from my phone alarm waking me up first thing in the morning to the moment I log off at the end of a working day. Running an online business means spending a lot of time working at my laptop. My business has grown organically from my obsession with blogging that began back in 2008. I LOVE that technology allows would be entrepreneurs to launch fledgling businesses from their bedroom.

The Trust Women Conference must have introduced you to lots of inspiring people – who was the most inspiring and why?

Difficult question. It opened my eyes to so many issues, innovations, survivors, pioneers, and inspirational speakers who captured most eloquently how we need to change the World.

Everlyn Chumbow an advocate from the National Survivor Network made me weep whilst simultaneously leaving me feeling inspired and empowered. Evelyn was a victim of child Labor trafficking, her unwavering courage speaking of her ordeal and her on-going struggle to gain employment was humbling. Despite overcoming the most despicable ordeal of being trafficked as a child, held captive, separated from her family for 18 years Evelyn managed to complete her education and speaks most eloquently of what fellow survivors of such traumas need.


What was the one piece of advice you took from the Trust Women Conference that you’d like to share with the community?

I believe that everything is connected, each thought we have, action we take, how we spend our money has an impact. Our role as conscious consumers/ global citizens/ business owners/ entrepreneurs/ parents or teachers is to ask whether we are to be part of the problem or part of the solution.

Advertising and media leave consumers believing ‘I must have a new dress every time I go out on a Saturday night’ which creates the need for mass production at unachievable low prices. This leads to slave labor in countries suffering extreme poverty, clothing in land fills, pollution and waste resulting in extreme climate change and so on. This extreme cycle does not solely apply to the garment industry.

As demonstrated by the conference attendees such as Swarovski, Lush and M&S businesses need to take responsibility along with consumers to play an active part in the solution. As consumers, we need to strike a balance in how we shop, to self-audit how we allocate our personal wealth. Our role as future parents and educators is vital in nurturing the young to create a positive shift in societies mind set.

Technology is a key tool for empowering women worldwide In which ways do you think it can make the biggest impact?

I would say the biggest impact technology will make for empowering women worldwide is the power to connect. Whether you’re sat in your bedroom wondering how you can join in the campaign for equality or you’re a budding entrepreneur looking for a mentor, chances are if you reach out, you’ll connect with a like-minded individual.


You’re a self confessed Lumia Lover. What’s your favorite thing about being a part of the Microsoft Lumia Connects community?

It’s a privilege being part of the Microsoft Lumia Connects community, the Lumia devices are excellent and have the greatest video and still camera quality. I also love looking at the Lumia Connects Instagram takeovers to see the level of creativity amongst the Lumia community.

Big thanks to Christine for sharing her thoughts on one of the year’s most important conferences. For those of you that would like to experience the Trust Women Conference for yourself, speeches are available at the conference website. And if you’re keen to see what Christine loves about Instagram be sure to follow Connects there too. In the meantime, let us know in the comments what you think.