Today, the brand new website has launched sporting an all-new look and feel and lots of great content such as neat tips and tricks and show-and-tell stories on how people are using Windows Live in their lives. The goal for is simple: give people a place to discover the benefits of Windows Live. What better than to use content from excited Windows Live users to highlight those benefits?
The content on is driven from the community of passionate Windows Live users through the Windows Live Clubhouse. The Windows Live Clubhouse is a special Windows Live Space that brings other Windows Live users together in talking about Windows Live on their own Windows Live Space. Using Windows Live Writer and using special tags designed for the Windows Live Clubhouse, users can have content written on their Windows Live Space aggregated to and shared with the world!
Windows Live Clubhouse: Click here to request access and take part in providing awesome Windows Live Content for!
The community decides what content goes up on based on how pieces of content (posts) are rated. In someone writes about something regarding Windows Live that is inaccurate – the community can respond simply by not rating the post highly and it will never show up on You drive the content!
For each person who is writing content on their Windows Live Space for – a special page is created on to highlight that person and their content. The page brings in information about the user from the user’s Windows Live Space.
Using my own personal Windows Live Space, I’ve taken part in the Windows Live Clubhouse and have content I’ve written on my Windows Live Space about Windows Live aggregated to as you can see in the above screenshot. You can view my profile here. As I write more about Windows Live on my Windows Live Space – this page will update to bring in any new content I write.
At – people can explore all the Windows Live services and applications. The pages for each Windows Live product is designed to highlight what the product is about and also splices in a showcase piece from someone in the community who has talked about the product.
With and community driven content – Windows Live customers now have an opportunity to have a voice in helping talk about Windows Live.
Senior Product Marketing Manager Marty Collins (Hi Marty!) has blogged about today’s launch on her Windows Live Space. LiveSide, who is also a member of the Windows Live Clubhouse, has also posted about today’s launch as well.