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September 10, 2008

Sneak-Peak at the Upcoming Zune 3.0 Release

Yesterday, the Zune Team announced their Zune 3.0 release was hitting next week on September 16th. As a Zune user myself, I am pretty stoked for the Zune 3.0 release. The Zune 3.0 release consists of updates across the entire Zune ecosystem including new firmware updates for all Zune devices, new Zune software update, and updates to the Zune Social. The Zune 3.0 release focuses on music discovery and taking it to the next level.

Instead of me talking about the new features in Zune 3.0 that help users discover new music – I figure I’d just show you these videos from members of the Zune Team instead that show off the new features themselves (I love that new Zune animation they use at the beginning and end of the videos!).

Terry Farrell, Product Manager on Zune Marketing Team, discusses the new Channels feature. Channels are like “regularly updated playlists” as Cesar Menendez explains in his blog post on the Zune Insider talking about the Zune 3.0 release. One of the Channels users can be able to subscribe to is the Billboard Top 100. Check out Terry’s demo for the low-down:

Video: Zune Fall Update: Channels

Dave Jones, Lead Program Manager on the Zune Software Team, discusses the new Zune software features in Zune 3.0 such as Mix View, the enhanced Now Playing screen, and Personal Picks:

Video: Zune Software Features – Zune Fall 2008

Terry Ferrell discusses the new wireless features in Zune 3.0 such as browsing the Zune Marketplace wirelessly by attaching to a local wireless “hot spot” (hot spots can range from your own wireless home network to your local coffee shop):

Video: Zune Fall 2008 Wireless Features

Megan Tedesco, Program Manager on the Zune Device Team, discusses the Buy from FM feature let lets you add songs you hear from a FM radio station to your cart for purchase and download from the Zune Marketplace:

Video: Zune Fall update: buy from FM

On top of the features mentioned above, the new firmware update for Zune devices will also bring Games and Audiobook support.

The Zune Team is also introducing two new devices with the Zune 3.0 release: the Zune 16 (16GB) and Zune 120 (120GB). Shiny new blue-on-silver and sleek all-black color schemes are also being introduced. I’m going after the new shiny blue-on-silver Zune 16 once it hits stores!

Whether you have a Zune 4 or a Zune 120 – all Zune devices have FM and wireless capabilities so users will be able to enjoy these new features (Buy from FM, Browse Zune Marketplace) across the board.

For more information on the Zune 3.0 release definitely check out Cesar Menendez’s post over on the Zune Insider. I know its a bit late but congrats Cesar on the new Zune-ified theme for Zune Insider!

I don’t know about you but I’m really looking forward to next week’s release 🙂