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August 19, 2010

Windows Recession Sweepstakes #5: Flying Day!

We have lots of smart folks at Microsoft, but only a few of them are intrepid enough to fly in a homemade airplane. On August 21, 2010, in Long Beach, CA, marketing manager Ali Driesman will pilot the Windows Phoenix (our 75-pound flying machine) in Red Bull Flugtag. Red Bull Flugtag, which takes place this year in Long Beach, Miami, Minneapolis-St. Paul and Philadelphia, is an event where everyday people can try and emulate Leonardo da Vinci and design a flying machine. Craft are judged not only the distance flown, but creativity and showmanship as well.

The Phoenix was designed, built and will ultimately be pushed (literally) by a group of 7 fun Windows folks, including our own Ben (“Ben the PC Guy”) Rudolph.

You can read all about the project and the folks who built the Phoenix here.


Now, we need your help. Please support the Windows Phoenix Flugtag team by:

· Following the Phoenix on Facebook

· Show your support from anywhere in the world by helping us win the Flugtag Popularity Contest! Just text Team 15 to RBULL (72855) any time after 11 a.m. on Friday, August 20th

· Following Ben, me and Brandon on Twitter for up-to-the minute status of the craft, team and event. 

Our fearless flyers thank you!


Round #5 of the Windows Recession Sweepstakes is now open! Leave us a comment in the next 24 hours and tell us what you think about the Phoenix.

If you like reading legal fine print, full Terms & Conditions can be found here.

Oh, notice anything interesting about the crew picture above? Here’s how we made it using Photo Fuse (and later included Ali after our original pilot, Robin, wasn’t able to pilot):
